- 1 oz Rye
- 1 oz Sweet Vermouth
- 1 oz Amer DeHainaut (Or nearest equivalent. Use Amer Picon if you must.)
Homemade ingredients: Sweet Vermouth, Amaro
I put this together because I wanted to showcase the Amer DeHainaut (I guess that's really what I'm calling it now) but didn't feel like making a Bushwick. The name came about when I mentioned that the cocktail was basically a Boulevardier with the Campari replaced. Even though the Boulevardier is not actually named after a type of street, the name seems to work.
It's kind of funny just how many components the two homemade ingredients share. They both have wormwood, cinchona, gentian, sweet orange, bitter orange, and caramelized sugar. Does this make me a one trick pony?