Random notes on alcoholic experiments

Tincture-based vermouth

This is the first version of my sweet vermouth recipe using only tinctures, instead of boiled spices.

  • 500 ml Wine
  • 175 ml Brandy
  • 1.5 oz Oloroso Sherry
  • 1 oz Bitter Orange
  • 0.25 oz Sweet Orange
  • 35 dr Anise
  • 20 dr Clove
  • 35 dr Cardamom
  • 30 dr Juniper
  • 20 dr Dande...

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There is an interesting ripple effect that happens when you make too much vermouth (a common problem, of course.) The last batch that I made was for my wood aging experiment which was between two and three times larger than my usual batch. I expected that I wouldn't need to make more for a while...

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My vermouth consumption has been down a bit lately. Between that, and the volume of vermouth that was required for my aging experiment, I am very well stocked with sweet vermouth right now. However, I was still itching to make something today, so I decided to try an experiment that I have though...

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After my successful experiment last week, today I made a full batch of Amer DeHainaut sweetened with honey instead of sugar.

My workspace

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A few updates on ongoing projects.

Orange Tincture

I was supposed to filter and bottle my latest batch of sweet orange tincture a week ago, but between being out of town last weekend, and storing the jar a little more out of the way than usual, I neglected it until now. I doubt the extra week m...

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